Mastiffs are often portrayed as intimidating and aggressive dogs, but the truth is that they are gentle giants with a sweet dispositions. In this post, we will share ten mastiff facts that will change your perception of these lovable dogs.


1. Mastiffs are one of the oldest dog breeds

Mastiffs are one of the oldest dog breeds, dating back to ancient times. They were bred for guarding and protecting livestock, as well as their owners. Their strength and loyalty made them excellent protectors, and they were often used as war dogs.


2. They are one of the largest dog breeds

Mastiffs are one of the largest dog breeds, with males weighing up to 200 pounds and standing up to 30 inches tall. Despite their size, they are known for their calm and docile temperament, making them great family pets.


3. They have a short lifespan

Unfortunately, mastiffs have a relatively short lifespan, averaging only 6-10 years. This is due to their large size and genetic predisposition to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and bloat. Proper care and regular vet checkups can help extend their lifespan.


4. They are not aggressive by nature

Contrary to popular belief, mastiffs are not aggressive by nature. They are protective of their family and can be wary of strangers, but they are not typically aggressive unless they feel threatened or their family is in danger. With proper training and socialization, mastiffs can be well-behaved and obedient dogs.


5. They are great with children

Mastiffs are known for their gentle and patient nature, making them great with children. They have a protective instinct and will watch over children, but they are also playful and love to interact with them. However, due to their large size, it’s important to supervise children around mastiffs to avoid accidental injuries.


6. They require minimal exercise

Despite their size, mastiffs do not require a lot of exercise. A daily walk and some playtime in the backyard are usually sufficient. They are not high-energy dogs and are content to relax and spend time with their family.


7. They have a unique coat

Mastiffs have a short, smooth coat that comes in a variety of colors, including fawn, apricot, and brindle. They shed moderately, so regular brushing can help keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding.


8. They are prone to health issues

Mastiffs are prone to certain health issues, including hip dysplasia, bloat, and heart problems. It’s important to have regular vet checkups and monitor their diet to keep them healthy.


9. They are intelligent dogs

Mastiffs are intelligent dogs and are known for their ability to learn quickly. They are eager to please their owners and respond well to positive reinforcement training.


10. They make great therapy dogs

Due to their gentle and patient nature, mastiffs make great therapy dogs. They are often used in hospitals and nursing homes to provide comfort and companionship to patients.


In conclusion, mastiffs are gentle giants with a sweet dispositions. Despite their size, they are not aggressive by nature and make great family pets. They are intelligent dogs that require minimal exercise and are prone to certain health issues. With proper care and training, mastiffs can be loving and loyal companions that will change your perception of these amazing dogs.

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